Saturday, June 26, 2010

This is my new puppy Odie I got him saturday june 19 well he is cute when we are around but when we go to bed he screams and barks and yelps and well you can say does all sorts of stuff well at least now he is being a little bit quieter for now.Okay it's 10:00 and my dog (Odie) is siting on the couch whaching TV I think he is watching survive this or something like that.Okay I'll be doing play by play action of what he is doing okay here we go.Okay he fell asleep,still sleeping,okay this is boring but I have to go.


  1. Oh my gosh! Odie is the cutest dog ever. You must just want to carry him around with you all day.
    Maybe we should have a pet day at school some time.
    Ms. Hawkins

  2. awwww that is such a cute puppy nice name by the way
